Blueberry Picking Fun

Blueberry Picking Fun

My husband often jokes how he finds it funny people pay to do manual labor. He clearly didn’t go fruit picking until he met me, ha. I have always loved this, though. Now that I have kids, I enjoy taking them as well. We typically 

BBQ Favorites

BBQ Favorites

We are finally having some consistent nice summer weather here in New England! So we’ve been enjoying lots of outdoor time! Every year to celebrate the kids birthdays (both born in the same month) we have a family BBQ. It’s a lot of work, but 

Fun Projects

Fun Projects

I think it goes without saying that I love to cook and bake. I’ve been wanting to decorate some cakes for fun so I decided to start with birthday cakes for my kids for their birthday BBQ. My older child loves Scooby doo and my youngest loves Elmo.