Month: November 2018



Can I say I sometimes struggle with what to title posts? And not to mention how I struggle with photographing dinners! Desserts are easy. Meats and meals? Ugh. There’s just something about photographing meals that I just really struggle with. I guess I find it 

Creme de Menthe Cookies

Creme de Menthe Cookies

Can we talk Christmas cookies for a moment? There are so. many. recipes. out there it can be a bit overwhelming. If I was told that I could only make one cookie for the holidays ever, it would be these Creme de Menthe cookies. Why? 

Almond Cake

Almond Cake

If you’re looking for a recipe to wow your friends and family this holiday season, this is it! The flavor, texture and presentation of this cake is stunning! I love Nordic Ware items. The link to the specific item is below. They are durable and