Author: admin

Thanksgiving Roundup

Thanksgiving Roundup

Thanksgiving came & went in a blink it felt like. This is my favorite meal of the year, hands down. I have hosted/cooked for so many years now, I feel like I have it down to a science; from the prep, to the timing, to 

Back To Reality

Back To Reality

While I have so many thoughts reflecting back on the last 7 months (crazy!), I am checking in with this post now that radiation is done (yay!). I am back to work and back to reality and it is bittersweet. I am feeling really good, 

Tropical Inspired Margarita

Tropical Inspired Margarita

Those that know me, know how much I love a good margarita! When I discovered coconut tequila, it only seemed natural to mix it with pineapple and lime. This became my go-to summer cocktail, and hopefully, yours too! It is simple and refreshing; easy enough 

Perfectly Simple Potato Salad

Perfectly Simple Potato Salad

I love a potato salad with bells and whistles like the rest of us, but sometimes, simple is better. It is a no-frills, easy and quick recipe. I especially enjoy this at cookouts because there are often so many flavors happening. This offers a refreshing, 

Truly Perfect Frosting

Truly Perfect Frosting

I am incredibly picky with frosting. I have tried countless recipes in order to find something just right with no luck- smooth and creamy, not too sweet, and easy/quick to make. It seemed impossible, until now. I stumbled across a recipe that called for flour 

Living with Cancer

Living with Cancer

I realize I have not been consistent with posting and so some of these may seem out of order. Yesterday marked my last day of radiation. I had minimal unpleasant effects. I am currently a bit stiff (I have stretches to do), tired, and my 

Life Update

Life Update

I don’t often post about my personal life on this blog. For starters, I am a fairly personal person. I don’t like to talk about my struggles, especially when I’m in thick of it. But life took a pretty significant turn over the last few 

Double Half Hitch Knot Tutorial

Double Half Hitch Knot Tutorial

The double half hitch knot can be used to create lines and shapes. I found this to be tricky when starting out, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes natural feeling and very easy to remember. You can do this from left 

Larks Head Knot Tutorial

Larks Head Knot Tutorial

The larks head knot is used to attach cord to a dowel, so it’s quite essential to learn. It is also very, very easy. Here is a super easy-to-follow tutorial. 1. Prepare your dowel and cord. Cut the cord to the desired length and fold 

Resources – Tools/Looms

Resources – Tools/Looms

When starting out weaving, I used a small lap loom. It was nothing fancy, but it did the trick. There are so many different types and styles. There are adjustable looms, looms with stands, etc. Which one is right for you? That will depend. I