Tag: seasonal

Grilled Summer Salad Bowl

Grilled Summer Salad Bowl

Grilling is synonymous with the summer. It’s so versatile too. I had all of these foods leftover from grilling the night before and thought it sounded good to throw together as a bowl of salad type meal for lunch at work the following day. This 

Summer Berry Salad

Summer Berry Salad

Does anyone else’s taste change depending on the season?! In the winter I crave warm, comforting foods. In the summer, I crave cool, fresh, bright flavors. It must not be just me. I came across a new salad dressing at a local market and bought 

Thanksgiving Roundup

Thanksgiving Roundup

Thanksgiving came & went in a blink it felt like. This is my favorite meal of the year, hands down. I have hosted/cooked for so many years now, I feel like I have it down to a science; from the prep, to the timing, to 

Perfectly Simple Potato Salad

Perfectly Simple Potato Salad

I love a potato salad with bells and whistles like the rest of us, but sometimes, simple is better. It is a no-frills, easy and quick recipe. I especially enjoy this at cookouts because there are often so many flavors happening. This offers a refreshing, 

Pumpkin Oat Pancakes

Pumpkin Oat Pancakes

As you may notice, we’re big on breakfasts here. So naturally, I wanted to share my pumpkin oat pancake recipe. It’s now September, which means summer is over & all things fall are happening. One thing that is great about these is that they are 

Apple Cider Pancakes

Apple Cider Pancakes

It’s officially the first day of fall here in Massachusetts! It may be 90 degrees outside, but that won’t stop me from enjoying every bit of fall that I can. I honestly haven’t been big into pumpkin/pumpkin spice this year, at least not yet. Maybe 

Almond Cake

Almond Cake

If you’re looking for a recipe to wow your friends and family this holiday season, this is it! The flavor, texture and presentation of this cake is stunning! I love Nordic Ware items. The link to the specific item is below. They are durable and 

Apple Pork

Apple Pork

  Every fall we go apple picking. Living in New England, it’s a must. There are countless orchards in Massachusetts! I prefer the smaller orchards, as opposed to the large ones geared towards families that have a farm as well. Which, I’m not against, I 

Apple Chicken

Apple Chicken

    Wanring, this is not my prettiest post! I love a good roast chicken. Apple is a really great flavor pairing! This recipe is incredibly simple and the flavor is amazing. We always seem to have a lot of apples on hand. This time 

Autumn Quinoa Salad

Autumn Quinoa Salad

  You may notice that I love quinoa salads. Salads aren’t just for the summer, though! We had what seemed like an endless amount of apples from apple picking, so I wanted to use them before they went bad! It just so happened my husband